Wednesday 28 October 2015

20 unique fact u need to know about baby

1. Newborns recognize that he heard his mother's voice at birth, about 14 days later, just learning to recognize the voice of his father.

2. Newborn babies are always born with blue eyes, but the color can be changed in a few minutes after birth.

3. The baby's face is changing very fast, usually a baby's face will look very different in a few days.

4. Boys and girls born with little breasts swell. This is because the baby receives the intake of female hormones from the placenta before birth.

5. Infants up to the age of 6-7 months could breathe and swallow at the same time, while adults can not.

6. Babies do not have sweat because the sweat glands have not developed completely.

7. Fingerprints will be formed when the baby is 3 months old.

8. Newborns only focus on objects within 25 cm of the nose, it is estimated the distance from the mother's breast to the baby's eyes.

9. Babies often seen smiling while on ultrasound, but the birth of a baby ruin the mood so rarely smiled for about 1 month after birth.

10. No matter what date the baby was born, but at the same date he will share a birthday with about 9 million people worldwide.

11. At birth a baby's brain is composed of more than 10 million nerve cells.

12. The average baby will not shed tears when crying until the age of 3-6 weeks.

13. Right or left hand which will be predominantly used by a baby has been determined since the age of 10 weeks gestation in the womb.

14. The weight of a newborn baby's head by a quarter of the total body weight.

15. Newborns will not have the kneecap, the baby will develop between the ages of six months to one year.

16. Babies have a very strong sense of smell, making it easy to recognize the baby's mother through smell alone.

17. One in ten babies born have at least one birthmarks.

18. Babies breathe faster than adults is about 30-50 times in one minute, while the adult is about 15-20 times a minute.

19. Babies often feel nervous or afraid of new foods. To fix this try playing a little with the food or put a little food on his index finger.

20. The fetal heart begins beating 3 weeks after conception.

Source from

13 Tips Care of the Newborn:

1. Bathe your baby in warm water to avoid the baby cold.

2. Provide all the equipment ordered as clothing, gloves and legs, dressing, oil, etc. before bathing the baby so that the process is running properly and smoothly, and you also feel more relaxed.

3. After washing, wipe the baby's body including his umbilical cord dry. Rub your baby's umbilical cord with the alcohol swabs provided doctors. No need to rub it with any other medicines. If the base of the umbilical cord was red and swollen, seek advice from a doctor. It is normal if there is a little bleeding or fluid comes out, but it should only be for a few days.

4. Tuam abdominal and umbilical cord with fabric or betel leaves are heated with an iron to avoid bloating and wind tide.

5. Apply the stomach, back, back, calves and soles of your baby with baby oil to give comfort to him.

6. Put dressing neatly, but not too tight.

7. After that, put the baby clothes that fit and comfort.

8. If you put your baby in diapers, should be vigilant and change the baby's diapers. Do not let your baby wear a wet diaper for too long to avoid irritation and infants suffering from diaper rash.

9. Until she was about 4 weeks, the baby is unable to control the movements of his head. So make sure you always support the head and neck. If you want to put it all, make sure your whole arm support the spine, neck and head until he was placed in a safe in his bed.

10. Wrap your baby to help him sleep more comfortably and longer. Berbedung conditions give a cozy feel to it, as if it is in the mother's abdomen.

11. Each time after feeding your baby, burp or vomit to prevent bloating.

12. Feed your baby as often as possible (every 2 hours) even if he just wanted to sleep. Tickle the quiz or soles of his feet to wake from sleep.

13. Please give breast milk to your baby exclusively for the first 6 months to make sure he gets the full benefits of breast milk. Do not give your baby than breast milk, boiled water even though the 6-month period.

13 Things Parents Need to Know about Newborn Baby

Newborn conditions:

1. When a newborn, your baby's body systems are still not functioning properly. He needed several weeks to adjust to the new environment after about 40 weeks in the womb.

2. The skin may be a little dry and flaky. This is because the production of oil by the skin of newborns is not yet stable.

3. There is fluff, especially around the ears and back of the baby (sometimes rather heavy). But do not worry; this fluff will fall from time to time.

4. You will also see red spots like rash on the nose and other parts of the body. These things will disappear when your baby grows.

5. Typically, newborns are losing weight after three or four days of being born. However, your baby will get back their original weight after two weeks of birth.

6. Do not be surprised if your baby's hands and feet feel cold when you touch it. This occurs because the blood circulation system is not perfect.

7. The color of your baby's skin may also change from time to time.

8. Your baby is newborn may seem "curl up" with his hands and feet are not exactly straight. This is due to its position in the womb. Do not worry, with a little massage from time to time, it will be straight as usual.

9. Front and other parts of the baby might look a little puffy in early pregnancy.

10. It is normal for newborns suffering from jaundice or jaundice in the second and third day of his birth. But if not monitored, it can lead to more serious health problems.

11. Most newborns prefer to sleep rather than watch, especially in the first week of birth. Surprise baby every two hours for a nurse to avoid jaundice.

12. Newborns like to feel more secure because they're wrapped, as if in a womb.

13. Newborn mammary glands to produce milk. This is due to the mother's hormones that are present in breast milk given to infants.